Calibration Analysis

mlbugdetection.calibration.calibration_check(model, samples, target, pos_label)[source]
Calibration check for a model

Analyzes the calibration of a model with samples and uses the Brier score loss as a metric for the calibration.

  • model (sklearn model or str) – The model to be used for prediction. Could be a model object or a path to a model file.

  • samples (pandas DataFrame) – The samples to be used for prediction.

  • target (str) – The name of the column containing the target variable.

  • pos_label (int or str, default=1) – The class considered as the positive class when computing the brier score loss. To understand more this parameter, see the documentation of the brier_score_loss function: >>> from sklearn.metrics import brier_score_loss >>> help(brier_score_loss)


  • AnalysisReport object with following attributes – For more information: >>> from mlbugdetection.analysis_report import AnalysisReport >>> help(AnalysisReport)

  • model_name (string) – Name of the model being analysed.

  • analysed_feature (string) – Name of the feature being analysed. For the calibration, we don’t need this, so it’s always empty.

  • feature_range (tuple) – Range of values of the feature being analysed: (start, stop). For the calibration, we don’t need this, so it’s always empty.

  • metrics (dictionary) – Dictionary with all the calculated metrics, such as:


    Brier score loss of the calibration curve. It is a MSE between the perfect calibration and the model’s calibration.

  • graphs (List) – List of all the figures created.